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Birds Wiki
Quaker Parrots
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Psittaciformes

Parrots are birds that belong to the order Psittaciformes. All living species are native to the Southern Hemisphere, being found in South America, Africa, southern Asia and Oceania. Some species, such as the Ringneck, have formed feral colonies in Europe and North America after escaping from captivity.

Parrots are often very colourful and have a green, blue, red, brown, gray or yellow plumage. Most species mainly eat fruit, berries and seeds. Their strong bill is used to break the hardest seeds. Lorikeets sometimes drink nectar from flowers, New Zealandian Keas eat carrion and small animals, and Pygmy Parrots feed on lichens. All parrots can fly, except for the Kakapo, an endangered, very big and heavy green parrot found in Oceania. Parrots can climb trees very well, using their strong talons and their beak.

Many species are have been successfully bred in captivity and are popular pets due to their pleasant appearance, playful behaviour, and ability to imitate sounds. They are very intelligent, and are considered the smartest birds along with corvids. They also have long lifespans: some species (like macaws) can live up to eighty years.

Parrots are divided into three superfamilies, or five families:


The most numerous superfamily. Members of this group are sometimes called "true parrots", and they are found in all continents of the Southern Hemisphere. They are also the most common in captivity.



Blue-and-Gold Macaws.

Macaws, Conures, Amazon Parrots, African Grey Parrot.

Some species:



Rainbow Lorikeet.

Parakeets, Lovebirds, Rosellas, Ground Parrots, Vasas, Lorikeets, Fig Parrots, Pygmy Parrots.

Some species:


A superfamily of crested Oceanic parrots. Most have a primarily white, grey, or black plumage. They are quite popular in captivity, and some, such as the Cockatiel, are extremely common pets.



Sulphur-crested Cockatoo.

Cockatoos. Contains two subfamilies: Cacatuinae and Nymphicinae (Cockatiel)

Some species:


Large, elusive, and rare Oceanic parrots, threatened by the loss of their habitat. The Kakapo, the nocturnal, flightless parrot, belongs to this superfamily. The Kea, which also belongs to this superfamily, is by some considered the most intelligent of all parrots. They can be bred in captivity but cannot be kept as pets.


New Zealand Kakapo Felix


Kakapo (Strigops habroptilus)


Kea (Nestor notabilis) and Kaka (Nestor meridionalis)
