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Italian Sparrow
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Passeridae
Genus: Passer
Species: Passer italiae

The Italian Sparrow (Passer italiae) is a small songbird in the family Passeridae. It is closely related to the House Sparrow. The species is thought to have originated from interbreeding between Spanish and House Sparrows. It is the national bird of Italy.


The Italian Sparrow shares physical features of the House Sparrow and the Spanish Sparrow. It is a 14 cm long, sturdy bird with rounded wings, a squared tail, a round head and a thick bill. The male has chestnut crown, nape, upperparts and sides of the head, white cheeks and light grey underparts with a black throat. The female is pale brown with darker markings. The juvenile is similar to the female.


Its call is similar to the House Sparrow's: a loud "shirp".


This bird eats seeds, but feeds its chicks insects. It will also feed on crumbs given to it by humans. It is a gregarious bird and breeds in small flocks. The breeding season begins in April. Each couple builds its nest in a bush, hedge or small tree. Pre-existing cavities in trees or walls are often utilized, as well. The female lays about five white eggs with brown spots, which both she and the male incubate for 10-14 days. The young fledge at 10-19 days of age. Two or three broods are raised each year, sometimes four. Even though some individuals live for 10 or more years, the life expectancy for this bird is usually under 5 years.

Distribution and Habitat[]

The Italian Sparrow is found in mainland Italy, Crete, and part of Sicily. It is common in towns, cities, and rural areas, especially in parks and gardens, where it nests in bushes and hedges. Intermediate forms between Italian and Spanish Sparrows occur in certain areas of the Mediterranean.

